Monday, January 18, 2010

#31: ....gang aft agley.

Maybe it should have come as no surprise when the technology, that has for so long been a central pillar of our relationship, eventually became the barrier that kept us apart.
A temporary glitch, so easily overcome, served as a reminder that human fallibility becomes magnified once a computer is added to the equation.
We waited a month for our visa application to be processed, one month became two, which in turn became three. Christmas was again approaching before we realized that our patience had been innocently misplaced; something was amiss.
Without boring the reader with the technicalities, it will suffice to say that a minor application error on our part had resulted in the visa office making an attempt to contact us. And here lies the crux of our story: they decided to contact us via e-mail. Somehow an "L" became a "1" in Lisa's e-mail address, hence one month's wait became a six month trial.
Looking back we now realize that our patience had in fact been a lapse of judgement on our parts. In our defence though, we were still having fun chatting nightly via web cam and we had succumbed to the added distraction of Facebook, whose wealth of silly, trivial, time wasting games appealed to the more juvenile aspects of our characters.
Once Lisa had had her passport returned, albeit visa-less, our application paperwork was seriously out of date and Christmas was again fast approaching. Rather than risk another six months without the ability to travel to England, it was decided that Lisa should take advantage of her returned passport and that we should spend a month together. Maybe we could even fit in a small trip to mainland Europe......
